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Code of Conduct

Our Children's Code:


As a Divine Child of God, I observe the following: 




  1. I joyfully listen when someone else is talking.

  2. I happily pay attention to others when they are sharing.

  3. I respectfully leave the room quietly.

  4. I feel good when helping to keep our room and Center clean and orderly.

  5. I am pleased to behave at all times, ignoring others who do not.


Center Areas:


  1. I always walk while in the Center as running is for outside.

  2. I am committed to being in the right place at the right time.

  3. I expect others to respect my personal space as I do theirs.

  4. I am happy to take part in caring for our play equipment, gardens, and outside areas.

  5. I will ask an adult when I need help.

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